To Hang or Not to ‘Hang a Shingle’

Should I Start my own Primary Care Office?

That is the question. It seems as if the days of physicians starting their own practice have waned. When I drive down the road and see numerous dental, orthodontic, optometrist, dermatology, and veterinarian offices, I wonder... Where are all of the primary care offices? The ability to practice medicine in the style that is best for both you and your patients is suffering due to poor reimbursement, escalating overhead, quality documentation and physician burnout. As an Internal Medicine physician in the trenches, it is easy to see why we have a physician shortage. I have seen so much transition through the years, most of which hasn't been beneficial to physician well-being. Many of my primary care physician associates have joined hospital-based clinic groups, become hospitalists, administrators, are employed at government installations,  have become ER/Urgent Care docs, or just simply retired early. However, having physicians in the community as a front-line to disease prevention and treatment is of the utmost importance.  I applaud those independent physicians who have survived these times of medical turmoil, who are practicing medicine in the way that works best for them and their patients. Are you looking for the right medical practice space to rent or lease?  We're here.

The Benefits of Starting Your Own Primary Care Practice

In my experience, physicians who take on the challenge of starting their own practice are usually straight out of residency, a disgruntled employee/partner of a larger clinic or, as of late, a burned-out hospitalist trying to bring some normalcy to their lives. But anyway you slice it, how to start a medical practice checklist to start your own practice can be overwhelming. From deciding which revenue model (fee for service, DPC, Cash, Concierge, or hybrid) to use, EMR choices, billing services, and insurance credentialing, the process of starting and owning your own medical practice can be daunting. However, if the right plan is in place, and you are determined to succeed, the rewards are worth it. To be an independent, entrepreneurial physician is one of the most rewarding choices I've made. I have been able to have the work life balance I have longed for without the hassle of being employed and working for large for-profit hospitals. I firmly believe that the right business plan, in concert with the low overhead that micro-practice design provides, can yield a successful practice.

What Comes Next?

You can do it! It is possible! Please stay tuned for future blogs in which I'll discuss and share further inspiration, examples, and tips to help you see this through. Starting my own primary care practice has not only been the best decision for me and my family, but also for my patients who have benefited from everything from proper diagnosis to less out of pocket costs. We are here to help solve the issues of high overhead by leasing medical office space in San Antonio.

Doctor in the Trenches Blog


A Remedy for Physician Unhappiness